Side Jobs


Babysitting is a great side job. I love it because I am the one in control of my schedule. If you’re in the city you can most likely make $100 in one night or at least $20/hr.

Dog Walking       

I personally like dog walking as an “on my way to work” side job, but people as for service at all hours of the day. It is an easy way to make some extra cash. Some people walk multiple dogs to maximize their income.

Pet Sitting

Pet sitting is great because you get paid to have a pet! If you’re not allowed to have pets in your apartment sometimes pet owners will ask you to stay in their home.


For all of these side jobs (Babysitting, Dog Walking and Pet Sitting) I made an account with Sitter City and Care. You can create a profile for each of these jobs. They also have tutoring and senior care. From there you apply to job postings as they appear in your local area. There is also an option to pay for a background check so potential hires know your credibility.

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