Young Professional Advice from Friends: The Sky is the Limit – Leigh E

This is a  Young Professional Advice from Friends post written by Leigh at SimpLeigh OrganizedYPAF is a collection of voices from different ages, places and industries to share advice on starting a career and conquering your twenties.


Skys the limit

I have had the special and unique privilege of being asked by Katie at to offer up a guest post giving advice to those in their 20’s.Being that I am approaching my mid 40’s, I had to dig deep to think about life in my 20’s. The advice portion came a little easier due to the fact that I have an 18 year-old stepson. I just envisioned myself sitting down and giving him some life lessons.

So without further ado, here are 10 tips I would offer to my son and hopefully they will be helpful to a few of you “young’uns” out there also. 🙂

1) When thinking about your future goals, begin with the end in mind. Ask yourself “How do I see my life in my 40’s and 50’s?” Every decision you make should be pointing you towards that vision.
2) Consider a volunteer or intern position in your desired field to determine if it is a right fit for you. If not, try something new. Love what you do!

3) Once you settle on your career path, find a mentor. Observe those in your field and select someone you admire and respect. This person should be in a position you aspire to be in. Also, don’t forget to reach back and help those that are trying to come up behind you. Be aware of opportunities to pay it forward.
4) Remember that life is short- Go for your goals. Like Nike says: “Just Do It”. Have no regrets and recognize that you will make mistakes…it’s a part of life.5) Learn from your mistakes. Don’t let mistakes or the fear of making mistakes keep you from moving towards your goals. Think about what went wrong and how you can avoid that misstep in the future.6) Be flexible and allow yourself to go wherever opportunities present themselves.

7) Start saving for your retirement as soon as you begin working. Trust me, you’ll thank me later! 🙂

8) Live within your means. Debt will hold you back from being able to attain your dreams.

9) Create balance between faith, family, friends, work and self. Try not to let any area consume too much of your time. Your life will be much richer if you are able to achieve some sort of balance.

10) Aim for the sky! If you aim high you’ll always be closer to your goal even if you fall short. Remember: The Sky is the Limit!

Thanks again, Katie for allowing me this wonderful opportunity to offer advice to your readers. Hopefully, these tips will be helpful to them in their life journey.


Hello! My name is Leigh and I am a Stay-At-Home wife and mom with two daughters and a stepson. One of my passions is to organize and decorate homes using everyday items that can be found around the house. I also love sharing this information with anyone who will listen. So if you’re looking for ways to organize your home, your money and your life, stop by…maybe I can help!

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