Tips for Creating and Remembering Work Outfits

Ever wake up not knowing what to wear to work? It can be frustrating and cause you to be late to work or worse… not leave enough time for breakfast!

My friend, Hannah, recently told me her trick to think up outfits quickly. While there are apps that help you organize your closet and create outfits, it seems to require a lot of initial set up time. To use these apps you have to first take an individual picture of every single item you own before using the app. Hannah has found a different solution…

Hannah has created a photo album on her phone of all her favorite outfits. Each time she wore a new outfit to work she took a picture of herself then saved it to the album. Before she knew it she had 60 outfits ready to go!

I thought this idea was a very simple and helpful solution. You can come up with multiple outfits or quickly recall an outfit you haven’t worn in a while. We all have that outfit or item sitting in the back of our closet that we forgot about. We also don’t realize how many different outfits we can make with the same pieces of clothing. Three outfits can quickly turn into 10 outfits by rotating what pieces we pair together. Having an album of outfits reminds us we don’t always have to wear the same top and bottom together, a quick mix up can provide you with multiple outfits. With this outfit album you can minimize your worries of how you look at work and getting ready in the morning. 

Try it for yourself! Can you come up with more than Hannah’s 60 outfits?